IMPORTANT: Added means that the values should be added to their corresponding section in your translation. Removed means that the values should be removed. Changed means that you should replace the value old with the value new in your translation.


The following strings and/or sections has been added:

0x013d=not corrected.
0x013e=characters. Please try to shorten the file paths in your project and try again.
0x0148=bytes of C2 errors in
0x0149=, the last session is
0x014a=, the disc can
0x014b=be erased.
0x014d=and at most
0x014e=read error(s) occured.
0x014f=' could not be found on the disc.


The following strings have been removed:

0x000b=Writing directory entries.


The following strings have been changed:

Old: 0x0006=Unable to load the configuration file, it may be corrupt. The XML processor returned: %d.
New: 0x0006=Unable to load the configuration file, it may be corrupt. The XML processor returned
Old: 0x0008=Unable to parse project file, it may be corrupt. The XML processor returned: %d.
New: 0x0008=Unable to parse project file, it may be corrupt. The XML processor returned
Old: 0x000d=Error on sector %d not corrected.
New: 0x000d=Error on sector
Old: 0x000e=The internal command line is too long for your system to handle. The length limit on your system is %d characters. Please try to shorten the file paths in your project and try again.
New: 0x000e=The internal command line is too long for your system to handle. The length limit on your system is
Old: 0x0019=Loading information from track %d.
New: 0x0019=Loading information from track
Old: 0x0023=Unsupported sector size of %d bytes.
New: 0x0023=Unsupported sector size of
Old: 0x002a=Can't read source disc. Retrying from sector %d.
New: 0x002a=Can't read source disc, retrying from sector
Old: 0x0033=Properties of Track %d
New: 0x0033=Properties of Track
Old: 0x003b=%I64d minutes
New: 0x003b=minutes
Old: 0x0089=Total progress: %d%%
New: 0x0089=Total progress:
Old: 0x008d=Last chance to abort, operation will start in %d seconds.
New: 0x008d=Last chance to abort, operation will start in
Old: 0x008e=Started to erase disc in %s mode.
New: 0x008e=Started to erase disc in
Old: 0x008f=Started to fixate disc in %s mode.
New: 0x008f=Started to fixate disc in
Old: 0x0090=Started to write disc in %s mode.
New: 0x0090=Started to write disc in
Old: 0x0091=Started to write track %d.
New: 0x0091=Started to write track
Old: 0x0094=Started to read track %d.
New: 0x0094=Started to read track
Old: 0x0095=Started to scan track %d.
New: 0x0095=Started to scan track
Old: 0x0099=Writing track %d of %d at %.1fx speed.
New: 0x0099=Writing track
Old: 0x009a=Writing pregap for track %d at %ld.
New: 0x009a=Writing pregap for track
Old: 0x00a0=Found %d bytes of C2 errors in %d sectors.
New: 0x00a0=Found
Old: 0x00a1=The C2 error rate is %f%%.
New: 0x00a1=The C2 error rate is
Old: 0x00af=Done reading track %d.
New: 0x00af=Done reading track
Old: 0x00b0=Done scanning track %d.
New: 0x00b0=Done scanning track
Old: 0x00ca=The disc is %s, the last session is %s, the disc can %sbe erased.
New: 0x00ca=The disc is
Old: 0x00cf=Unable to find a suitable decoder for the audio file: %s.
New: 0x00cf=Unable to find a suitable decoder for the audio file:
Old: 0x00d1=Failed to initialize the %s encoder (%d,%d,%d,%I64d).
New: 0x00d1=Failed to initialize the
Old: 0x00d3=Decoded the audio file: %s.
New: 0x00d3=Decoded the audio file:
Old: 0x00d5=Encoded the audio file: %s.
New: 0x00d5=Encoded the audio file:
Old: 0x00d6=Encoding track (%s).
New: 0x00d6=Encoding track
Old: 0x00d7=Invalid FIFO buffer size. The size must be at least %i MiB and at most %i MiB.
New: 0x00d7=Invalid FIFO buffer size. The size must be at least
Old: 0x00fa=Verifying '%s'.
New: 0x00fa=Verifying
Old: 0x00fc=Done verifying disc, %d read error(s) occured.
New: 0x00fc=Done verifying disc,
Old: 0x00fe=The file '%s' could not be found on the disc.
New: 0x00fe=The file '
Old: 0x00ff=Read error in '%s' (0x%.8X != 0x%.8X).
New: 0x00ff=Read error in
Old: 0x0103=Drive Letter of %s %s %s
New: 0x0103=Drive Letter of
Old: 0x010b=Started to format disc in %s mode.
New: 0x010b=Started to format disc in
Old: 0x010f=Reading sector %u (retry %u of %u).
New: 0x010f=Reading sector
Old: 0x0110=Reading disc at %.1fx speed.
New: 0x0110=Reading disc at
Old: 0x0113=The destination folder already contains a file or folder named '%s'.
New: 0x0113=The destination folder already contains a file or folder named
Old: 0x013c=Creating copy %d of %d.
New: 0x013c=Creating copy

Old: 0x0000=The directory structure is deeper than %d levels. Deep files and folders will be ignored.
New: 0x0000=The directory structure is deeper than
Old: 0x0001=Skipping "%s".
New: 0x0001=Skipping
Old: 0x0002=Skipping "%s", the file is larger than 4 GiB.
New: 0x0002=, the file is larger than 4 GiB.
Old: 0x0003=The file "%s" is larger than 4 GiB. It will not be visible in the ISO9660/Joliet file system.
New: 0x0003=The disc image path table is too large. The project contains too many files.
Old: 0x0004=The disc image path table is too large. The project contains too many files.
New: 0x0004=Unable to open file for reading:
Old: 0x0005=Unable to open file for writing: %s.
New: 0x0005=Building file tree.
Old: 0x0006=Unable to open file for reading: %s.
New: 0x0006=Writing file data.
Old: 0x0007=Building file tree.
New: 0x0007=Writing ISO9660 path tables.
Old: 0x0008=Writing file data.
New: 0x0008=Writing Joliet path tables.
Old: 0x0009=Writing ISO9660 path tables.
New: 0x0009=Writing directory entries.
Old: 0x000a=Writing Joliet path tables.
New: 0x000a=levels. Deep files and folders will be ignored.