IMPORTANT: Added means that the values should be added to their corresponding section in your translation. Removed means that the values should be removed. Changed means that you should replace the value old with the value new in your translation.


The following strings and/or sections has been added:

0x013d=Unable to import, does the selected source file exist?
0x013e=Could not import the file "%s".
0x0140=Directory "%s" does not exist. Do you want it to be created?
0x0141=Cannot create directory "%s".
0x0142=The project file \"%s\" could not be found on your computer. It will be removed from the project.
0x0143=InfraRecorder was unable to find any disc devices in your system.\n\nPlease note that Windows 2000, XP and 2003 systems require administrator permissions to access disc devices. Often this can be circumvented by changing your system settings. Please consult the InfraRecorder FAQ in the manual for further information.


The following strings have been removed:

0x0428=Silently validate the configuration at each startup

0x0016=Loading extended device information...
0x012a=Unable to open device, can not continue.


The following strings have been changed: