Upcoming Release

January 23rd, 2007

I have uploaded the new translation file for version 0.41. The changes can be viewed here. The development is a little behind schedule due to some problems implementing the support for boot discs.

I have also uploaded the MP3 plug-in needed to encode MP3 files. The binaries and sources are available here.

I plan on releasing InfraRecorder 0.41 later this week.

Version 0.40

December 23rd, 2006

InfraRecorder 0.40 is now available for download. Click here to download it now.

Merry Christmas and a happy new year!


December 19th, 2006

The roadmap is finally available on the website! InfraRecorder version 0.40 is scheduled for this Saturday.

The updated English translation file has been uploaded. The translation changes (from version 0.31) are also available here.


December 11th, 2006

I have added a new translation section. You may now download translations that are not yet included in the installation package.

Click here to view all available translations.

Version 0.31

October 15th, 2006

Version 0.31 of InfraRecorder has now been released. It’s a smaller update with a few bug fixes as well as a couple of new features. This release includes two new translations, Portuguese and Spanish.

Version 0.30

September 10th, 2006

I have finally uploaded an installation package for version 0.30 to the download servers. The download is available from the download section.


August 19th, 2006

Welcome to InfraRecorder’s home on the internet!

I have finally set up a website for the Infra Recorder project. It will be updated through out the day with screenshots, program information and downloads.